교수 및 학생 소개

교수 및 학생 소개

  • 교수 및 학생 소개
  • 교수 소개

박상원(Park Sangwon) 교수

미국 Temple University에서 경영학박사 (관광경영 전공) 학위 취득 , 영국 University of Surrey The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 에서 다년간 교수로 재직을 하였습니다. 주로 관광 Information Technology/빅데이터/AI 그리고 디지털 마케팅 분야에 연구를 수행하고 있으며,  다양한 국제 주요학술지에 연구논문이 게재/발표 되었습니다. 그간의 업적을 인정받아 2019 International Academy of the Study of Tourism에서 수여한 관광부문 세계 교수 신인상 (Emerging Scholar of Distinction) 수여하였으며, 현재, 세계 유명 저널인 Tourism Management  Annals of Tourism Research 부편집위원장, Journal of Travel Research 편집위원으로 역활을 수행하고 있다.

홈페이지: www.drsangwonpark.com 

  • 주요 연구 분야 관광 마케팅
  • 연구실 호텔관광대학 별관306호
  • 이메일 sangwon.park@khu.ac.kr
주요 연구

Multifaceted trust in tourism service robots.

Park, S. (2020).

Annals of Tourism Research, 81, 102888.


Spatial structures of tourism destinations: A trajectory data mining approach leveraging mobile big data.

Park, S., Xu, Y., Jiang, L., Chen, Z., & Huang, S. (2020).

Annals of Tourism Research, 84, 102973.

Received IFITT Journal Article of the Year Award (2nd place)


Tourism geography through the lens of time use – A computational framework using fine-grained mobile phone data.

Yang, X., Li, J., Xue, J., Park, S., & Li, Q (2020).

Annals of the American Association of Geographers., 1-25.


What makes a useful online review? Implication for travel product websites. 

Liu, Z., & Park, S. (2015).

Tourism management47, 140-151.


Asymmetric effects of online consumer reviews. 

Park, S., & Nicolau, J. L. (2015).

Annals of Tourism Research50, 67-83.


The role of smartphones in mediating the touristic experience. 

Wang, D., Park, S., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2012).

Journal of Travel Research51(4), 371-387.

최근 대표 연구

Towards a multidimensional view of tourist mobility patterns in cities: A mobile phone data perspective.

Yu, Y., Xue, J., Park, S., & Yue Y (2021).

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 86, 101593.


Spatial spillovers of agglomeration economies and productivity in the tourism industry: The case of the UK.

Kim, Y. R., Williams, A. M., Park, S., & Chen, J. L. (2021).

Tourism Management, 104201.


Characterizing destination networks through mobility traces of international tourists - A case study using a nationwide mobile positioning dataset.

Yang, X., Li, Jingyan, Belyi, A., & Park, S. (2020).

Tourism Management, 104195.


Understanding the dynamics of the quality of airline service attributes: Satisfiers and dissatisfiers.

Park, S., Lee, J. S., & Nicolau, J. L. (2020).

Tourism Management, 81, 104163.


How guests develop trust in hosts: An investigation of trust formation in P2P accommodation.

Park, S., & Tussyadiah, I. (2020).

Journal of Travel Research, 59 (8), 1402-1412.


Augmented reality experiences and sensation seeking.

Park, S., & Stangl, B. (2020)

Tourism Management, 77, 104023